Odkrijte brezplačne e-poštne predloge za interna obvestila podjetij, ki izboljšujejo poslovno komunikacijo. Učinkovito obveščajte o zaposlitvah, napredovanjih in sestankih ter optimizirajte notranje komunikacijske procese.
Even though there are plenty of communication channels available, many companies choose email to make announcements because it’s the most used and engaging channel. In most cases, company announcement emails are promotional messages for new product or service releases, updates to existing products, or the launch of a new venture.
Even though these messages are theoretically announcements, they are more focused on conveying marketing-related messages rather than the communication of company news.
However, there are also plenty of examples of company announcement emails for other purposes, such as internal messages. These tend to be more formal emails that focus on business-centric communication, including but not limited to the advertisement of open positions in the company, the promotion of a current employee to a higher position, the introduction of brand new members of staff to existing team members, or an invitation to an open meeting.
The latter type of company announcement emails will be the main focus here, in order to provide examples of business-related messages that may be communicated to an internal audience via email.
Emails are one of the most efficient methods of communication and have long been proven to be effective, both for sending and receiving internal and external messages. One obvious reason for that is the fact that emails enable direct communication with desired audiences, as long as you know their email addresses.
To pomeni, da bi lahko obvestilo o odprtju delovnega mesta ali novici podjetja poslali celotni delovni sili podjetja ali enemu seznamu, medtem ko bi e-pošto, ki pozdravlja novega člana osebja ali oglaševanje odprtega sestanka, lahko poslali samo ustrezni skupini ali oddelku v velikem podjetju.
Podatki, zbrani v Gallupovi študiji, kažejo, da 74 % zaposlenih meni, da pogrešajo novice o podjetju (vir). Hkrati lahko slabo upravljanje notranjih komunikacij stane majhna podjetja (ki zaposlujejo manj kot 100 ljudi) 420.000 dolarjev letno, medtem ko velika podjetja vsako leto izgubijo do 62 milijonov dolarjev (vir). To sta le še dva razloga za uporabo elektronske pošte pri objavljanju internih novic in izmenjavi pomembnih informacij med zaposlenimi.
I am happy to announce that [name of employee] has been promoted to the position of [job title].
[Name of employee] has been working at [company] for [X] years, and played a vital role in [achievement].
During that time, they have always been dedicated to [company] and displayed a great team spirit, which we’re happy to reward them with this promotion.
I would be grateful if you join me in congratulating [name of employee] on this exciting news.
[name & position]
As of today, there is a vacancy for the [job title] role in our [department].
We highly recommend any current employee who is interested in this role to apply as soon as possible, as the vacancy will also be advertised externally soon.
Our new [job title] will work with the [team] to perform [main responsibilities].
To be considered for this role, you must have [experience] and meet the following criteria: [requirements]
Click here [button] for a full job description.
Please reply to this email by [date] with your CV/resume and provide a short cover letter to apply for this position.
If you have any more questions regarding this vacancy, please contact the HR team at [email].
Best regards,
[name & position]
[Name of new employee] will be joining [company] in the position of [job title], starting from the [date].
We are delighted to welcome [name of new employee] since their [X] years of experience in [field] will help drive [company] forward.
If you see [name of new employee] around the office, please introduce yourself to make them feel at home.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to meet [name of new employee] before they start, please contact their employee mentor [name of mentor] to make arrangements.
Thanks for joining me in welcoming [name of employee] to [company].
[name & position]
A reminder that the [purpose] Open Staff Meeting hosted by [name of host] is taking place on [date] at [time].
This online meeting can be accessed using the following link: [button]
Future related meeting dates are as follows: [dates]
Please note that everyone is welcome to attend any meeting, and the contents will be tailored to [department].
Please feel free to ask any questions during the meeting. Note that there is a limit of [X] participants, so please register in advance by replying to this email.
Recordings of all past meetings can be found at [link].
Best regards,
[name & position]
Ker je vsebina teh sporočil lahko zelo različna, na to vprašanje ni pravega ali napačnega odgovora. Vendar pa je najbolje, da so sporočila jedrnata, da bo bralca zanimalo.
Ljudje ponavadi preletijo e-pošto, zato poskusite vse pomembne informacije navesti v ločenih vrsticah ali odstavkih. Če morate vključiti več informacij, na primer za oglas za zaposlitev, potem postavite povezavo do spletnega mesta, ki ponuja dodatne podrobnosti za tiste, ki jih zanima, namesto da bi preobremenili e-pošto.
To je odvisno od velikosti podjetja in teme – nekatera sporočila je treba poslati vsem osebjem, druga pa le izbranim oddelkom ali zaposlenim na določenem hierarhičnem položaju. Prosta delovna mesta se lahko na primer pošljejo celotnemu osebju, saj nekateri kandidati morda želijo zamenjati oddelke.
Še enkrat, to je v celoti odvisno od posebne vrste e-pošte. Promocijska sporočila naj bodo poslana kmalu po tem, ko je bil napredovani zaposleni obveščen. E-poštna sporočila dobrodošlice in vabila na sestanke je treba poslati vsaj teden dni pred dogodkom pridružitve novega člana ekipe ali razpravo. Prosta delovna mesta je treba poslati prej – nekaj mesecev, preden je treba to delovno mesto zapolniti, in nekaj tednov, preden se lahko objavi navzven.
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Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.