Ankete o zadovoljstvu strank so ključno orodje za razumevanje mnenj strank o vašem podjetju. Pomagajo oceniti zadovoljstvo in razkriti izboljšave. Uporabite ustrezna vprašanja za boljše poslovanje in strankam zagotovite odlične izkušnje.
Različne študije so pokazale, da:
To pomeni, da so vložki za podjetja visoki, ko gre za zadovoljstvo strank, ankete o zadovoljstvu strank pa so eden najučinkovitejših načinov, da ugotovite, kako se vaše stranke počutijo o vašem podjetju. Ankete pomagajo tudi ugotoviti, kaj deluje, kaj ne in kaj morate izboljšati, da lahko svojim strankam zagotovite boljšo izkušnjo.
Ankete o zadovoljstvu strank so vprašalniki, zasnovani tako, da podjetjem pomagajo razumeti stopnjo zadovoljstva, ki jo imajo njihove stranke z njihovimi izdelki, storitvami, osebnimi izkušnjami, podobo blagovne znamke ali podporo strankam. Splošni namen raziskav o zadovoljstvu strank je oceniti, kako zadovoljne ali nezadovoljne so vaše stranke z različnimi vidiki vaših izdelkov, storitev ali procesov.
Raziskave o zadovoljstvu strank lahko vključujejo različne vrste vprašanj, kot so vprašanja z več izbirami (vprašanja na lestvici ocen, vprašanja ‘da/ne’ na binarni lestvici, nominalna vprašanja, vprašanja Likertove lestvice, vprašanja s semantičnimi razlikami) in odprta vprašanja ali katera koli kombinacija zgoraj omenjena vprašanja.
Če želite od svojih strank pridobiti dragocene povratne informacije, jim morate zastaviti prava vprašanja. Spodaj je nekaj najpogostejših vprašanj iz ankete o zadovoljstvu strank (splošna in specifična za izdelek), ki jih lahko uporabite pri ustvarjanju lastnih anket CSAT.
-How did you hear about us?
-Which of our competitors did you consider before choosing us?
-What is the primary reason for choosing our product over competitors?
-What was the one thing that almost stopped you from signing up?
-How do you use our product/ service?
-What are you trying to solve by using our product /service?
-Have you used a similar [product/ service] before?
-What did you like about the previous product/ service(s)?
-What is the most important feature of our product?
-Which 3 features are the most valuable to you?
-What’s the most important feature we should add?
-What are the 3 most important features we’re missing?
-What’s one feature we can add that would make our product indispensable for you?
-If we introduced [new feature/product] would you be willing to test it/them?
-How often do you use this feature?
-How disappointed would you be if you could no longer use [Feature name?]
-Which features aren’t useful to you?
-If you could change just one thing about our product, what would it be?
-Is our pricing clear to you?
-Do you feel our [product/ service] is worth the cost?
-What would you use as an alternative if our tool was no longer available?
-How satisfied are you with our billing and invoicing?
-To what extent do you agree with the following statement: [Product name]’s onboarding process was simple, straightforward, and painless.
-How helpful do you find our video tutorials?
-How would you rate the training and help you’ve received from our team so far?
-How could we improve your experience using our solution?
-What could we change to make our product/ service more user-friendly?
-What’s the main reason you are downgrading/ canceling?
-Did the price of our product/service cause you to leave?
-Have you decided to test out a competitor?
-Are you likely to upgrade your account in the future?
-What is the primary benefit that you have received from using our product?
-How long did you use our product/ service before seeing results?
-Overall, how well does our website meet your needs?
-What was your first impression when you entered the website?
-How satisfied are you with the design and functionality of our website?
-How well do you understand what [Company name] does from our homepage?
-How easy was it to use/ navigate our website? Did you have any problems?
-What are you hoping to accomplish by visiting our website?
-How easy was it to find what you were looking for on our website?
-Did it take you more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for on our website?
-How visually appealing is our website?
-How easy is it to understand the information on our website?
-How much do you trust the information on our website?
-Is there a feature you wish our website had?
-What could we do to make our website more useful?
-Is there anything on this website that doesn’t work the way you expected it to?
-If you could change one thing about our website, what would it be?
-How would you rate your overall experience on our website today?
-How likely is it that you would recommend our website to a friend or colleague?
-If you were to review the website, what score would you give it out of 5?
-Do you have any other comments about how we can improve our website?
Zastavite si nabor vprašanj, ki vam bodo pomagala razumeti prednosti in slabosti vašega dela ter razloge za zadovoljstvo ali nezadovoljstvo strank.
Z anketami lahko zbirate povratne informacije strank. Nekatere stranke se bodo v zameno za nagrado odločile izpolniti anketo, druge pa se bodo odzvale, ker so pripravljene deliti svoja mnenja.
Pri oblikovanju ankete si zastavite vprašanja, ki so:
Discover our award winning help desk software complete with native live chat, call center, and social integrations.
Tired of using multiple tools and sorting through tickets<br> manually? Put an end to it with LiveAgent!
Zadovoljstvo s storitvami za stranke
Odkrijte, kako izboljšati zadovoljstvo strank z LiveAgentovimi naprednimi rešitvami za podporo strankam. Izvedite, kako meriti in povečati zadovoljstvo prek anket in povratnih informacij. Poskusite brezplačno in dvignite svojo storitev na novo raven!
Predloge follow up emailov za ponujanje storitev za stranke
Discover professional follow-up email templates for customer service with LiveAgent. Elevate your customer support and streamline communication through customizable templates, integrations, and expert resources. Explore LiveAgent today to enhance your service efficiency and delight your customers!
Izboljšajte zadovoljstvo strank z LiveAgent! Naša napredna programska oprema za podporo strankam omogoča hitro reševanje težav in zbiranje povratnih informacij prek enostavnih anket. Povečajte učinkovitost s prilagojeno podporo in hitrimi odzivi. Preizkusite brezplačno in odkrijte, zakaj smo ocenjeni s 4.8/5 in 5/5.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.