Uporabne predloge in nasveti za učinkovite storitve za stranke na družbenih medijih, vključno z odgovori na pogosta vprašanja in upravljanje odnosov s strankami, izboljšujejo odzivni čas, učinkovitost in zadovoljstvo strank.
Storitve za stranke družbenih medijev se ponavljajo – ista vprašanja in zahteve se pojavljajo vedno znova. Vsakokratno vnašanje istega odgovora je utrujajoče, zamudno in izjemno rutinsko delo, ki se mu je mogoče izogniti z uporabo vnaprej določenih odgovorov. Spodaj je nekaj praktičnih nasvetov in že pripravljene predloge storitev družbenih medijev, ki jih lahko prilagodite, prilagodite in uporabite, ko se vaše stranke obrnejo na družbena omrežja za podporo strankam.
Skoraj 70 % pritožb strank na družbenih omrežjih je prezrtih. Izkoristite orodja za spremljanje družbenih medijev, ki olajšajo spremljanje vseh omemb blagovnih znamk, komentarjev in sporočil, takoj ko se pojavijo.
Ker se družbeni mediji obravnavajo kot »vedno vklopljena« platforma, potrošniki seveda pričakujejo, da se bodo blagovne znamke odzvale čim hitreje. Glede na študijo družbe The Social Habit 42 % potrošnikov pričakuje odgovor na družbenih omrežjih v 60 minutah, 32 % pa v 30 minutah.
Če izbrišete negativni komentar, da bi ohranili svojo virtualno podobo, boste pritožnika še dodatno razočarali in pokvarili odnos, ki ga imate z njim. Edina izjema je, če so komentarji očitno vsiljeni ali kršijo objavljene smernice skupnosti.
Uporabite pravi ton glasu, ki je prilagojen vsakemu posameznemu primeru. Ali stranka uporablja priložnostni jezik in sleng? Morda bi bilo v redu, da se povrneš. Ali stranka zveni razočarano? Bolje je uporabiti ton, ki je empatičen in pomirjujoč. JetBlue je primer blagovne znamke, ki to počne zelo dobro.
V primeru množičnih težav ali izpadov ni treba odgovarjati na vsako sporočilo, saj bi bilo to zelo zamudno in neučinkovito. Kadar ena sama težava prizadene veliko strank, je smiselno zagotoviti samo javne posodobitve statusa, ki bodo dosegle vse.
Ni nujno, da je vsak pogovor na družbenih omrežjih javen. Preklop na zasebno sporočanje najbolje deluje, ko potrebujete osebne podatke stranke (e-poštni naslov, številko naročila itd.), temeljito razlago težave, da jim pomagate, ali če pogovor postaja napet.
“@name, we’ve got your back! Check out this article to get your software up and running: (link). If anything is still unclear, just let us know, we’ll be happy to help.”
“Hello @name, thanks for your interest in our services. If you provide us with your e-mail address, we can send you comprehensive information on our offers and prices.”
“@name, thanks for reaching out. Yes, we offer (services). If you provide us with your e-mail address we will be glad to send you comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of service as well as our prices.”
“Thank you for your inquiry. Today we’re open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. We are looking forward to your visit.”
“Our office is closed from the 23rd- 25th of December. Afterwards we are there for you again. Are there any other questions I may help you with?”
“@name, I apologize for the delay. We have received your information and we are working to get your order to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.”
“Hi @name, thanks for letting us know about this. Please DM us more details about the issue, so we can take a look into this for you right away.”
“Hey @name, thanks for informing us know about this issue. We’ll make sure this
gets shared with the right people here at (Company). I’ll let you know as soon as it’s fixed. ”
“That’s certainly not what we like to hear, @name. Please DM us your order confirmation number so we can follow-up with you. – (Name)”
“Hey @name, really sorry for the trouble here. I’m going to escalate this to our tech support team to see if we can figure out the issue and get it fixed ASAP! – (Name)”
“@name, my sincerest apologies! I would be happy to look into this for you. Can you please follow us and DM me with your order number? – (Name)”
“Hello @name. We are happy you were satisfied with our service. If you’d like you can leave a review [here] and help others with your recommendation. Thanks!”
“Thanks for the shout-out! We’re happy to have you in the (Company) family!”
“Thank you for buying your (product) from us, @name. We look forward to seeing you again soon!”
“We at (company name) know you had many options to choose from, so thank you for choosing us. We sincerely hope you are satisfied with your purchase.”
“@name, we’re happy to know your experience was awesome and we can’t wait to see you again soon!”
“@name, your feedback is incredible; thank you for sharing that with us! It’s wonderful that (product) has made such a difference for you.”
“Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us this amazing review, @name. We’re so lucky to have customers like you!”
“@name, your awesome review made our day! Thank you for taking the time to share it with us and the community.”
“We are incredibly grateful that you took the time out to leave us this great review, @name. Thanks for being such a fantastic customer!”
“@name, we are truly happy to know your experience was tremendously delightful. It’s something we’ve worked hard on and we’re pleased our efforts resonated with you.”
“We’re happy you had a fantastic time with us, @name! Thanks for your trust, we’re thankful for amazing customers like you. We hope to see you again soon!”
“@name, it’s always a pleasure seeing you. Thanks so much for your feedback and good vibes. We’re happy that you’re happy, and we’re looking forward to your next visit.
Hurry back!”
“We’re so glad you had a good experience, @name. We work really hard to provide the best service to our guests, so I’m happy to see that reflected on your last visit. I made sure that (employee name) got the recognition she deserved. She was really happy to see your review. – (Name)”
“Hi @name, we are thrilled to have you as part of the (Company) family! Thank you for leaving an amazing review. It means the world to us and to our entire team! We look forward to serving you again soon!”
“Hello @name, thank you for the wonderful review and for taking the time to share your feedback with (Company). Excellent customer service is our priority and we are happy that we met that mark! Customers like you make our job a pleasure.”
“Oh no! We’re so sorry to hear this but appreciate you letting us know. This is not the norm and we’re happy to help. Please contact our customer care team for assistance at (email).”
“@name, we’re so sorry to hear you were unsatisfied with your purchase. If you’re interested in some return/ exchange options, please give us a call at (number, 8 am – 11 pm, 7 days a week), and we’ll do our best to help.”
“@name, so sorry about that. We always hate it when that happens. Send us a DM with your confirmation code and we’ll send you credit for the non-working (item). ”
“@name, my apologies for the inconvenience! I just reached out to you via Facebook Messenger to discuss it further. Be sure to check your “Message Requests” folder. – (Name)”
“@name, sorry about your negative experience. We’re normally known for our exceptional attention to detail, and we regret that we missed the mark.”
“Hi @name, we apologize for your negative experience. We’d like to learn more about your specific situation and make things right. If you wouldn’t mind give us a call at (number), that would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to speaking with you and working towards earning back your business.”
“Hello @name, I’m sorry to hear about your disappointment with us, and I would like to personally assist you with making things right. Let’s get on a call and address this ASAP, we value your business. Please contact us at (phone) when convenient.”
“@name, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry to hear of your less than satisfactory experience and hope you will accept our sincerest apologies. Please give us a (call/email) to see how we can make things right.”
“I’m glad to know your (items) finally came through, @name, thank you for letting us know. I apologize for the painfully slow process it took to get them. We never intended for this to happen.”
“@name, I’m happy that we were able to help you resolve your problem. I’ll be sure to relay your message to (employee name). – (Name)”
“@name, I’m happy you’re pleased with the results and that we were able to sort this out. If there’s anything else we can do to help, please let us know. Best, (Name).”
“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help out, we’re here if you ever need us again!”
“Hello @name, we haven’t heard back from you. Were you able to get the assistance needed? If you still need help, please provide the details previously requested. Thanks! – (Name)”
Najboljši način za upravljanje storitev za stranke družbenih medijev je, da jih povežete s programsko opremo službe za pomoč uporabnikom. Kot rezultat, bodo vaši agenti lahko efektivno in učinkovito obravnavali vse vrste poizvedb iz enega vmesnika.
Negativni komentarji strank lahko vplivajo na uspeh vašega podjetja. Če ste predstavnik podjetja, bi morali negativne komentarje na družbenih medijih obravnavati tako, da potrdite pritožbo, zagotovite rešitev in nikoli ne jemljete stvari osebno.
Skrb za stranke je zagotavljanje storitev strankam pred, med ali po prodaji izdelka. Po drugi strani pa je lahko tudi oddelek znotraj podjetja, ki je za to odgovoren.
{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Kateri je najboljši način za upravljanje storitev za stranke družbenih medijev?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Najboljši način za upravljanje storitev za stranke družbenih medijev je, da jih povežete s programsko opremo službe za pomoč uporabnikom. Kot rezultat, bodo vaši agenti lahko efektivno in učinkovito obravnavali vse vrste poizvedb iz enega vmesnika.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Kako ravnam z negativnimi komentarji na družbenih omrežjih?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Negativni komentarji strank lahko vplivajo na uspeh vašega podjetja. Če ste predstavnik podjetja, bi morali negativne komentarje na družbenih medijih obravnavati tako, da potrdite pritožbo, zagotovite rešitev in nikoli ne jemljete stvari osebno.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Kaj je skrb za stranke?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Skrb za stranke je zagotavljanje storitev strankam pred, med ali po prodaji izdelka. Po drugi strani pa je lahko tudi oddelek znotraj podjetja, ki je za to odgovoren.” } }] }Ready to put your ticketing templates to use?
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated ticketing software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try it today with our free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
Predloge follow up emailov za ponujanje storitev za stranke
Discover professional follow-up email templates for customer service with LiveAgent. Elevate your customer support and streamline communication through customizable templates, integrations, and expert resources. Explore LiveAgent today to enhance your service efficiency and delight your customers!
Odkrijte moč plačljivih družbenih medijev za povečanje prepoznavnosti vašega podjetja! Naučite se, kako s kombinacijo organskih in plačljivih medijev doseči ciljno občinstvo in povečati ROI. Pridobite vpoglede o proračuniranju, izbiri platform ter ciljanju, in začnite svojo uspešno kampanjo še danes!
Predloge elektronske pošte portala za stranke
Odkrijte brezplačne predloge e-pošte za portal za stranke na LiveAgent, ki omogočajo samopostrežno izmenjavo informacij in reševanje poizvedb. Naučite se pisati učinkovita sporočila za različne situacije in izboljšajte komunikacijo s strankami. Pridružite se zdaj brez obveznosti!
Predloge e-pošte za vključitev strank
Predloge e-pošte za vključitev strank za izboljšanje odnosov z novimi in obstoječimi strankami. Nasveti, primeri in najboljše prakse.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.