Predloge e-poštnih sporočil za posodobitev izdelkov v SaaS industriji izboljšajo zadovoljstvo strank in povečajo prihodke. Prilagodljivi vzorci za vključevanje strank in promocijo premium funkcij.
Consistently improving your product to remain competitive and maintain a satisfied customer base is essential, especially in the SaaS industry. A product update email is one of the best opportunities to showcase that you’re listening to your customers’ feedback, consistently working on meeting their expectations, and reminding them of your product’s value. A product update email can also re-engage users who were about to churn. Unfortunately, many businesses treat product update notifications as an afterthought.
However, your product update emails can do far more than simply inform your users about the recent product improvements you’ve made. With the right strategy, you can use product update emails to reassure new customers that they’ve made the right choice, improve customer satisfaction, retention, and even increase revenue as you can also promote your premium features when announcing updates.
Izdelava učinkovitih e-poštnih sporočil s posodobitvami izdelkov je lahko težavna naloga. Spodaj je nekaj nasvetov, ki vam bodo pomagali ustvariti boljša e-poštna sporočila s posodobitvami izdelkov, ki bodo zagotovo izboljšala sodelovanje uporabnikov, skupaj z 10 e-poštnimi predlogami za posodobitev izdelkov, ki jih lahko uporabite kot primere pri ustvarjanju lastne različice e-poštnih sporočil s posodobitvami izdelkov.
Glede na vašo blagovno znamko, izdelek in odnos z uporabniki se lahko vaša e-poštna sporočila s posodobitvami izdelka razlikujejo po vsebini, dizajnu in tonu. Čeprav ni univerzalne formule za popolno e-pošto s posodobitvami izdelkov, je tukaj 10 e-poštnih predlog, ki vam lahko pomagajo začeti.
We’re excited to announce the launch of one of our most requested features – [feature name]! It’s now easy to [do whatever the feature allows users to do]. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use it:
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
To learn more about this feature, check out this support article.
As always, let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your experience better. Your feedback is always appreciated.
Thanks for using [Product name]!
We just released a fully revamped version of our [Name] feature. If you’re interested in what’s new, check out our latest blog post that covers it all.
Here’s a quick overview:
[Improvement #1]
[Improvement #2]
[Improvement #3]
If you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!
We’ve added a bunch of cool new features and made some major improvements. Here are our top 5 recent updates that we’re especially excited about:
[Update #1: From now on you can …]
[Update #2: It became even easier to …]
[Update #3: You’ll finally be able to …]
You can read more about the updates in our most recent blog post. And as always, if you have any questions or feedback – don’t hesitate to contact us!
We’re back to share a couple of major bug fixes that will make your experience with [Product] better than ever. Here’s a shortlist of what we’ve done:
[Fixed: bug 1]
[Fixed: bug 2]
[Fixed: bug 3]
Want to see *your* favorite bug featured in this list? We would too. Send your suggestions to [email] and we’ll see what we can do.
If you – like us – use [Tool] for your […], then we’ve got some news you’re going to love.
We’ve just launched a new integration with [Tool]. Here are just a few of the things the new integration allows you to do:
[Benefit 1]
[Benefit 2]
[Benefit 3]
For more details, including how the integration works, why it’s a huge win for [Brand] users, and how to set it up (it’s really easy), click here.
We’ve been hard at work these past few weeks/ months [adding/ improving features] to help make [Product] even more valuable for you. We’re super excited to tell you all about these new features/ improvements and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
[Update #1]
[Update #2]
[Update #3]
[Update #4]
[Update #5]
In the meantime, we’d love to hear any feedback you have on [Product] and what we can do to make it even better.
We’re excited to announce [Product name] 2.0. It has more functionality than ever before to ensure it helps businesses like yours to [accomplish specific goals].
[Product name] 2.0 provides:
[Feature #1: benefit]
[Feature #2: benefit]
[Feature #3: benefit]
[Feature #4: benefit]
[Feature #5: benefit]
You can read all about it on our completely revamped website at And don’t forget to check our new video!
[embedded video]
If you have any questions or feedback – we’d love to hear your thoughts!
[Feature name] is a new beta feature for [Product] Pro plan, and allows you to [details on what the feature allows users to do].
We’re excited to give you a limited-time offer to take [Feature name] for a test run: from now until [date] you can [use the feature for …].
Ready to get started? You can read more about [Feature name] here.
If you have any questions or feedback, simply respond to this email.
One last thing: [Feature name] is still a private beta feature, so please keep it a secret until it’s ready for its debut ☺
We are proud to announce the launch of the [Product name] Android app! Our small team at [Company name] worked extremely hard to get this app out as soon as possible following the release of our iOS app. Thank you to all our Android users for your patience!
[Product name] app gives you [a short description of what the app allows users to do].
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
P.S. A note for Android users: While we rigorously tested the app internally and with our Beta users, there can still be a few undiscovered bugs. If you come across anything, please email us at [email address]!
Created with love,
[Company Team]
It’s never been more important to […].
The good news is we’ve built a new [app/ service] that makes it easy to […]. We call it [Product Name].
As a [Company] customer, we thought you might want to be one of the first to try [Product Name] while it’s still in Beta mode.
[Product Name] will be a free service while in Beta. You can read more about it here [link].
What will [Product Name] do for me?
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
Any questions or feedback? As always, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email].
Vaše e-poštno sporočilo s posodobitvijo izdelka mora vsebovati nove informacije, da bodo vaše stranke imele občutek, da so na tekočem, in jih obveščali. Pomembno je, da vedno začnete z uvodom in stranki sporočite, kdo stoji za e-pošto s posodobitvijo izdelka. V večini primerov morate razložiti, kako izdelek pomaga strankam.
E-poštna sporočila s posodobitvami izdelkov vam pomagajo: – pridobiti nova pričevanja – povečati konverzije iz preizkusov v plačljive račune – povečati svojo verodostojnost – povečati zadrževanje strank – izboljšati ugled svojega izdelka – pridobiti več prometa na svojem spletnem mestu – pritegniti nove stranke, tako da boste videti bolj profesionalni – Pridobite več deljenj in ponovnih tvitov ter s tem več prometa z družbenih omrežij – Zagotovite si večjo prodajo.
E-poštno sporočilo s posodobitvijo ne sme presegati 2 odstavkov, vendar mora vsebovati jasen razlog za posodobitev, na primer nova funkcija, izdaja ali popravek napake.
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Predloge za obnovitveni e-mail
Prenesite 10 učinkovitih predlog za obnovitvene e-maile, ki ohranjajo stranke, povečujejo zvestobo in zmanjšujejo osip. Preizkusite zdaj!
Predloge e-pošte za dopolnitev
Izkoristite brezplačne predloge e-poštnih sporočil za dopolnitev in povečajte prihodke! Učinkovite, pravočasne in prilagojene vašim strankam.
Predloge prodajnih e-poštnih sporočil
Odkrijte 10 učinkovitih prodajnih e-poštnih predlog za privabljanje in obdržanje strank. Povečajte prodajo z najboljšim trženjskim kanalom!
Predloge za storitve za stranke
Odkrijte brezplačne e-poštne predloge na LiveAgent za hitrejšo komunikacijo, večjo produktivnost in boljše zadovoljstvo strank!"
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.