E-poštne predloge po nakupu izboljšujejo zvestobo strank in spodbujajo ponovne nakupe. Priporočljiva je personalizacija in zbiranje povratnih informacij. Namen sporočil vključuje potrditev naročila, priporočila za nadaljnje nakupe in opomnike za dopolnitev zaloge.
Ne glede na to, kaj prodajate in komu – ali je to ponovna stranka ali prvi kupec – lahko dobro sestavljena in pravočasna avtomatska e-poštna sporočila po nakupu takoj pozitivno vplivajo na vaše podjetje. Te vrste e-poštnih sporočil vam lahko pomagajo ohraniti sodelovanje strank z vašo blagovno znamko, negovati dolgoročne odnose s strankami in ustvariti več ponovne prodaje. E-poštne kampanje po nakupu so tudi ena najpreprostejših in najučinkovitejših taktik za izboljšanje zvestobe in zadrževanja strank. In ker privabljanje novih strank običajno stane petkrat več kot ohranjanje obstoječih – ta e-poštna sporočila bi morala biti zagotovo del vaše strategije e-poštnega trženja.
E-poštna sporočila po nakupu imajo najvišje razmerje odprtosti in klikov med vsemi e-poštnimi marketinškimi kampanjami. Pravzaprav je po podatkih Klaviyo e-poštna sporočila po nakupu deležna 217 % višjo stopnjo odprtja, več kot 500 % višjo stopnjo klikov in 90 % višji prihodek na prejemnika kot vaša povprečna e-poštna kampanja. Raziskava Medallie (podjetja za izkušnje s strankami), objavljena v Harvard Business Review, je tudi pokazala, da »Stranke, ki so imele najboljše pretekle izkušnje, porabijo 140 % več v primerjavi s tistimi, ki so imele najslabše pretekle izkušnje«.
E-poštna sporočila po nakupu se lahko uporabljajo za:
E-poštna sporočila po nakupu lahko služijo različnim namenom, odvisno od tega, kaj je najpomembnejše za vaše podjetje – naj se stranke počutijo posebne, jih opomnijo, naj dopolnijo izdelek, navzkrižno prodajajo podobne izdelke ali zbirajo povratne informacije – ko je pravilno opravljeno, so e-poštna sporočila po nakupu neverjetno močan. Spodaj je 10 e-poštnih predlog po nakupu za nekatere najpogostejše scenarije, ki jih lahko uporabite pri ustvarjanju lastnih e-poštnih akcij po nakupu.
Congratulations! Your purchase on [Website.com] was successfully processed. Your order is now being prepared. You will be receiving shipping updates soon.
How was it to shop at [Website.com]? Help us serve you better, click here to take a quick survey. (It won’t take you more than a minute – we promise!).
Here’s your order confirmation:
Order number: ***
Payment method: ***
Items ordered: ***
Total: ***
Your Order Details:
[listing items purchased]
Thank you for shopping with [Brand],
Good news, [Name] – your items are on their way! Are you smiling? You’re totally smiling. ☺
Here are a few things you should know:
Your order should arrive at your shipping address within [number] business days.
Items may be shipped in separate boxes with no additional shipping charges.
Updated tracking information will be posted to the carrier’s website within 24 hours.
Here’s what we shipped:
[Item 1]
[Item 2]
[Item 3]
Thanks for shopping with us,
Let us know! We’ll do everything we can to make sure you love your experience with us. Reach us at [email], [live chat] or [number]. We’re available Monday – Friday **am – **pm.
WE’RE HONORED that when it comes to [style/ footwear/ beauty, etc.], you think of us.
There’s a lot of choices out there but you singled us out, and that means a lot. We just want to express how much we appreciate your business. When you’re looking for something truly special, we hope that we’ll continue to be the place you think of first.
Thank you!
P.S. If we ever fail to live up to your expectations with the quality of our products, delivery times, or anything else – you can always reach out to our customer care team at [number], [email], or [live chat].
Thanks for your recent purchase with [Brand]! Your order should have arrived by now, and we hope you are enjoying your new [products].
We thought that you’d like to know customers who made the same purchase also enjoyed the following favorites:
[Recommended product 1]
[Recommended product 2]
[Recommended product 3]
[Recommended product 4]
If you need any help with your next purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out anytime.
Greetings from [Brand]! Hope you’re doing great.
According to our records, you ordered (products) a while ago and we would hate for you to run out. So, this a friendly reminder that it’s time to restock, in case your supplies are running low.
Order in the next 24 hours and shipping is on us.
Let us know if you have any questions. We’re here to help!
Maybe you’ve been away or just super busy but we noticed you haven’t ordered in a while. So perhaps we can tempt you back with 10% OFF your next order?
We’ve actually added some cool new stuff we think you might like! Here’s a coupon for 10% OFF your next purchase in the next two weeks (expires on ***): [CODE NUMBER]
If you have questions or need any help, just reply to this email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Congratulations on your new purchase of [product]!
You’ve made an excellent choice by shopping with us. At [Brand] we truly care about our customers and appreciate your business. If you have any issues at all, we’ll work with you until you are completely satisfied.
Here are a few great tips on using your [product]:
[Product usage tip 1]
[Product usage tip 2]
[Product usage tip 3]
I will contact you in a few days to make sure everything is working well for you and to also share some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about your new [product] that I’m sure will be very helpful.
If by any chance you will not receive your product within [number] days of placing your order, please do let us know right away. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way that we can.
Once again, thank you very much for purchasing [product]!
A great big thank you for shopping with [Brand]!
We love our customers dearly, and their opinions mean a lot to us. So, we put together a survey that gives you an opportunity to share your thoughts, so WE can improve your shopping experience – and YOU can take 20% OFF your next purchase for completing it. Click below to take the survey (it won’t take you more than a few minutes) and receive your offer.
Thank you for your participation.
We wanted to say a HUGE thank you for shopping with us and we’d love to know what you thought of [Website.com]. If you can spare a few minutes to leave us a review, we’d be super grateful! Please be as honest as you want to be (we can take it).
Write a Review of [Brand]
We love you either way.
Thank you for signing up and joining the [Brand] family! We built [Product name] to help businesses [achieve specific goals], and I hope that we can achieve that for you.
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you get maximum value from [Product name]. We’ll be sharing some tips, checking in with you, and showing how some of our customers use [Product name] to [whatever the product helps to achieve].
In the meantime, you might find these resources helpful:
If you have any questions or hit any bumps in the road, please feel free to call us at [number], start a chat with our support team or visit our FAQs.
Until next time,
Izkušnja strank po nakupu je komunikacija in dejanja, ki se zgodijo po tem, ko stranka opravi nakup v podjetju.
Podporo strankam po nakupu lahko zagotovite tako, da samodejno pošljete nadaljnjo e-pošto s povezavo do člankov iz baze znanja za podporo 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu.
Disonanca po nakupu so negativni občutki, ki se pojavijo po tem, ko je posameznik kupil izdelek ali storitev. Da bi jo zmanjšale, bi morale organizacije imeti dober način za podporo svojim strankam, vključno s takojšnjim reševanjem težav in preprostim načinom za dosego podpore.
Live chat, ticketing, call center, and knowledge base all packed into one.
Discover over 180 advanced features including automation, gamification, and social media integrations.
Predloge follow up emailov za ponujanje storitev za stranke
Discover professional follow-up email templates for customer service with LiveAgent. Elevate your customer support and streamline communication through customizable templates, integrations, and expert resources. Explore LiveAgent today to enhance your service efficiency and delight your customers!
Predloge e-poštnih sporočil z vsebino
Odkrijte različne predloge e-poštnih sporočil z vsebino na LiveAgent, ki vam pomagajo pri pridobivanju novih strank in izgradnji odnosov z obstoječimi. Raziščite zaprto vsebino, promocije, povratne povezave in prilagojene predloge za vse vaše potrebe.
Predprodajne e-poštne predloge
Odkrijte predprodajne e-poštne predloge za uspešne promocijske akcije na LiveAgent! Izkoristite predloge za povečanje zvestobe, privabljanje novih strank in izboljšanje prodajnih rezultatov. Pridobite kratkoročne in dolgoročne koristi z našimi prilagodljivimi e-poštnimi predlogami. Začnite zdaj in maksimirajte potencial vaše prodaje!
E-poštne predloge o prodaji izdelkov
Odkrijte pet močnih e-poštnih predlog za prodajo izdelkov, ki bodo povečale vaš doseg in angažiranost potencialnih strank. Naša zbirka vključuje tudi odgovore na pogosta vprašanja o prodajnih akcijah. Preprosto shranite, prilagodite in začnite učinkovito komunicirati svoje promocije. Preverite več na naši spletni strani!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.