Predloge za follow-up emaile izboljšujejo storitev za stranke z nasveti in predlogami za učinkovito spremljanje strank in zagotavljanje zadovoljstva. Vključujejo povabila k anketam, nadziranje zadovoljstva in uporabo podpornih orodij.
Storitve za stranke so kritični del vsakega uspešnega podjetja, ne glede na panogo, v kateri je. Vendar pa odlična storitev za stranke in podpora nista le odgovor na vprašanja strank ali reševanje njihovih težav in nadaljevanje. Poskrbeti morate, da bo stranka ostala zadovoljna in zadovoljna z rešitvijo, zato je ključnega pomena dosledno spremljanje. Vendar pa se za mnoga podjetja storitev za stranke ustavi, ko je bila obravnavana zahteva stranke. Čeprav je spremljanje dokaj preprosta naloga, je pogosto zanemarjeno. Pravzaprav glede na najnovejše poročilo o meritvah storitev za stranke SuperOffice:
Nadaljnja e-poštna sporočila strank lahko močno vplivajo na uporabniško izkušnjo. To je nekaj, kar mala podjetja pogosto razumejo in uporabljajo v svojo korist, večje organizacije pa ponavadi pozabijo. Nadaljnja e-poštna sporočila, ki so poslana takoj po interakciji s storitvijo za stranke, lahko:
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Bodisi gre za obveščanje strank o njihovem statusu prošnje, vprašanja o povratnih informacijah, ali ponujanje proaktivne pomoči po razrešitvi, ekipa za podporo strankam ne sme podcenjevati follow-up emailov.
I wanted to update you about the status of your issue before the weekend.
It is still in progress and is being worked on by our technical support team. We’re prioritizing your request, and I will make sure this issue is resolved over the weekend. You will get notified immediately once it’s done.
You can also track the status of your request any time by logging in to your [Brand] account and clicking on the Requests tab.
Thanks for your patience!
Have a great weekend,
Hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to check in with you regarding the issue you had the other day with [details of the issue]. Was it resolved? Do you need any additional help? Please let me know – I’d be happy to assist you in any case.
Have a great day,
You are most welcome. I’m glad that out of hundreds of customers we send emails to every day, someone appreciates the effort we put into trying to provide the highest quality of customer service.
Customers like you are the reason we strive to do the best at our jobs. Please feel free to reach out again if you have any questions, issues, or concerns – we are just an email away and will always be happy to assist you.
I’m sorry again about the less than stellar experience you had the other day with our customer support team. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that we’ve decided to put our entire customer support team through additional training to ensure situations like that won’t happen again.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, or if there’s anything else we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
I’m glad we were able to resolve [issue]. By the way, you can read more about managing [your account/ payment options/ settings, etc.] in our Help Center. There’s one article that covers your issue in depth [insert link].
If you have any other questions, or if there’s anything we can do to make your experience with us more enjoyable, please let us know.
I’m checking in about your case with us regarding [case topic] one last time. It’s been [number of days] days since we’ve heard from you, so I wanted to reach out and let you know we are going to close this ticket.
Please feel free to reopen this ticket or open a new one if you need any further assistance – we’ll be happy to help.
Thanks again for working with us!
Thank you for contacting us about [details of the issue]. Our records show that your issue has been resolved, so your ticket will be automatically closed in 3 days.
If you still need our help or have any more questions, just hit ‘reply’ and we’ll get back to you shortly.
We’re reaching out regarding your recent issue with [details of the issue] that was resolved on [date]. To help us serve you better, we’d love to hear about your experience with our support team.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it to get your issue resolved?
1 = Extremely difficult
2 = Very difficult
3 = Neither
4 = Very easy
5 = Extremely easy
We appreciate your feedback. And as always, if there’s anything else we can do for you in the future – please don’t hesitate to reach back out again.
You recently reached out to us regarding [details of the issue] which was resolved on [date]. We would love to hear about your experience with our customer service.
Can you please take a moment to respond to this quick survey? It’ll take you less than 60 seconds to answer! Thank you so much, your feedback will help us assist you better in the future.
[Link to Survey]
Thanks again,
As you may already be aware, earlier this week some of our customers have encountered an issue with [product/service/ feature, etc.] Our engineering team was able to resolve it approximately 2 hours after the initial report. We’d like to apologize once again for any inconvenience this may have caused.
To ensure this doesn’t happen again we’re working on multiple improvements to our [product/ service/ feature/ operations, etc.]. In this blog post, we published a full explanation of what went wrong, what we did to recover, and what we’ll do to prevent this from happening in the future: link to a blog post.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. And as always, if you have any questions or come across any issues, please let us know, we’re here to help.
Ko se odzovete na vprašanje stranke, morate preveriti status težave. S preverjanjem zagotovite, da je težava pravilno obravnavana.
Follow-up email se pošlje nekomu, ki vam je postavil vprašanje (ali nekomu, ki ste mu ponudili določeno storitev) in ga vprašate, če še lahko kaj storite za njega. Ta vrsta elektronske pošte velikokrat razširi področje dela, ki ga ponuja vaše podjetje ali vašim strankam ponuja dodatna izdelke ali storitve. Follow-up email bi naj poslali strankam, ki so opravili nakup ali so bili v kakršnemkoli stiku z vašim podjetjem.
Na pritožbo stranke se lahko odzovete z emailom, v katerem sprašujete o povratnih informacijah o tem, kako dobro je bila težava razrešena in s ponudbo, da težavo odpravite, če stranka to želi.
Predloge elektronske pošte portala za stranke
Odkrijte brezplačne predloge e-pošte za portal za stranke na LiveAgent, ki omogočajo samopostrežno izmenjavo informacij in reševanje poizvedb. Naučite se pisati učinkovita sporočila za različne situacije in izboljšajte komunikacijo s strankami. Pridružite se zdaj brez obveznosti!
Predloge e-pošte za vključitev strank
Predloge e-pošte za vključitev strank za izboljšanje odnosov z novimi in obstoječimi strankami. Nasveti, primeri in najboljše prakse.
Predloge za storitve za stranke v družbenih medijih
Uporabite brezplačne predloge in nasvete za učinkovito podporo strankam na družbenih omrežjih. Izboljšajte hitrost in zadovoljstvo!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.