What is a base agent?
Agents that are part of the regular billing cycle can also be referred to as base agents. These employees are part of the business’s day-to-day operations and, as opposed to temporary agents, are part of the company long-term.

Benefits of base agents
When you have a base agents group, it can bring many benefits to your business.
- Stability – Once the team is used to one another, understands the workflow, and knows the customers, it provides stability for your company. Not only is it easier for them to communicate with each other, but they are also more likely to provide effective customer service and stick to business goals.
- Budgeting – Allocating the budget for agent training, while having a team with knowledge and skills to build on, is way easier. Having to organize expensive training over and over again is not the most budget-friendly option, so a trained agent base can save your business a lot of resources.
- Better customer experiences – When you have experienced customer service representatives they can provide the best service and increase customer satisfaction scores.
- Lower agent turnover – Agent turnover is one of the productivity metrics in a contact center environment. When this metric is low, you can build a stable customer service team.
- Higher productivity – Having agents familiar with the company, each other, products, and customers allow them to provide more efficient service and keep up the productivity.
Improve your business
LiveAgent offers numerous useful features and integrations that will make your customer service more efective than ever before.
Ko končate z branjem trenutne strani, vas vabimo, da si ogledate članek Informacije za stranke, kjer najdete odgovore na pogosta vprašanja in odkrijete, kako lahko izboljšate svojo podporo strankam. Prav tako vas lahko zanima članek o oddelkih službe za pomoč uporabnikom, kjer boste izvedeli, kako lahko ustanovitev oddelkov pripomore k hitrejšemu odzivnemu času in bolj jasnim odgovornostim znotraj podjetja.
Ne spreglejte tudi članka o spletni pomoči strankam, kjer boste odkrili prednosti uporabe spletne deske za pomoč in kako dostopati do programske opreme za spletno pomoč. Za tiste, ki vas zanima več o varnosti, je na voljo tudi članek o preverjanju v dveh korakih, kjer boste izvedeli, kaj prinaša omogočanje te funkcije v vašem profilu.
Če želite izvedeti več o personalizaciji, si oglejte članek Prilagodite, kjer boste našli definicijo personalizacije in kako jo lahko uporabite v storitvah za stranke. Nazadnje, članek o podpori v aplikaciji vam bo pomagal razumeti, kaj je podpora v aplikaciji in kako lahko izboljša vašo storitev.
Slovar programske opreme za pomoč uporabnikom
Raziščite naš obsežen slovar terminologije programske opreme za pomoč uporabnikom in storitve za stranke. Idealno za začetnike, ki se soočajo z novimi izrazi, in izkušene strokovnjake, ki želijo osvežiti svoje znanje. Odkrijte definicije, od "Mapiranje gostitelja" do "Čas razrešitve", in izboljšajte svojo učinkovitost storitev za stranke.
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