Kaj je orodje za klepet?
Chat tools are often browser-based and enable users to start chatting with other users in real time. It also enables users to transmit text messages, images, videos, and hyperlinks. Advanced website chat tools enable users to share screens and even voice and video calls.
Kako lahko uporabite orodje za klepet?
Tons of companies utilize live chat apps on their websites to make themselves more accessible to customers. By adding a chat widget to your website, your company will be able to receive feedback and questions from website visitors and customers.

Zakaj bi morali uporabiti orodje za klepet v živo?
Uporaba takega orodja je najbolj stroškovno učinkovit način pretvorbe obiskovalca spletnega mesta v plačljivega kupca. S pravočasnim odgovarjanjem na vprašanja potencialnih strank znatno zmanjšate možnost, da bodo prešli h konkurenci. Poleg tega je to preprost in učinkovit način za stik z ljudmi po vsem svetu. Vaše stranke so lahko v povsem drugem delu sveta in vas z lahkoto kontaktirajo.
Katere druge funkcije imajo orodja za klepet na spletnem mestu?
Aside from the transmission of text messages, images, videos, and links, the tool provides users with a multitude of functions. Advanced live chat tools found in customer service software allow users to utilize pre-chat forms, offline forms, pro-active chat invitations, and even track website visitors.
Uporaba teh naprednih funkcij omogoča agentom zbiranje dodatnih informacij od obiskovalcev spletnega mesta, kar agentom pomaga učinkoviteje odgovarjati na njihova vprašanja.
LiveAgent’s live chat features:
- Current URL of live chat visitor
- Chat window docking
- Max queue length
- Proactive chat invitations
- Chat embedded tracking
- Real-time typing view
- Chat distribution
- Internal chat
- Chat history
- Online visitors
- Chat overview
Kako lahko naredite orodje za klepet?
To add a chat tool to your website, you’ll have to use live chat software. LiveAgent also includes live chat. Simply create an account and go through the get started guide. After getting familiar with the software, simply customize your own chat button.

Preberite poglobljen vodnik za ustvarjanje gumba za klepet v živo v LiveAgent.
Kaj je programska oprema za klepet v živo?
Live chat software, such as LiveAgent is often a part of a bigger help desk solution utilized by customer service teams. A live chat software enables you to chat with customers in real-time, live chatting and converts your live chat conversations into tickets, that are stored inside a universal inbox.
If you would like to learn more, read Live Agent – Live Chat Software.

Druge bistvene lastnosti programa LiveAgent:
- Ticketing
- Rules & SLAs
- Canned messages & Predefined answers
- Knowledge Base
Find out more about all LiveAgent – Features.

Try out LiveAgent for FREE
Handle all customer inquiries from one interface. Start improving your customer service with a 30-day free trial right away!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a chat tool?
Chat tools are tools that allow you to chat with the client, send text messages, images, videos and hyperlinks. More advanced chat tools allow screen sharing, voice and video calls.
Does LiveAgent provide a chat tool?
LiveAgent provides one of the best chat tools. This is one of the most important elements in customer service. This allows the customer service team to communicate easily and directly with customers. In addition to sending text messages, it provides many additional elements, such as the ability to send image and video, or screen sharing, which can be helpful when you need to visualize something to help a customer.
What are best practices of using a chat tool?
Thanks to the chat tool, you can quickly communicate with the client. That is why it is so important for the chat to run smoothly. Thanks to this, we have a better chance that the customer will choose a product or service of our brand. It is good to use the features offered by the chat when the problem is more complex. Thanks to the possibility of sending an image, video or sharing the screen, it can directly show the customer what to do. It is also important that the client has very easy access to the chat so that he can contact the support team from any subpage. One should also remember about personalizing responses and the importance of building a relationship with the client - and a great tool for building relationships is live chat, which works in real time.
Ko končate z branjem o orodjih za klepet, se prepričajte, da si ogledate, kaj vse ponujajo funkcije klepeta v živo. Klepet v živo je ključen za izboljšanje storitev za stranke in s tem lahko izboljšate angažiranost ter zmanjšate trud strank. Prav tako si lahko preberete, kako lahko izkoristite program za pogosta vprašanja za optimizacijo samopostrežne izkušnje vaših strank. Program za pogosta vprašanja pomaga pri zmanjšanju ponavljajočih se vprašanj in povečuje zadovoljstvo strank.
Slovar programske opreme za pomoč uporabnikom
Raziščite naš obsežen slovar terminologije programske opreme za pomoč uporabnikom in storitve za stranke. Idealno za začetnike, ki se soočajo z novimi izrazi, in izkušene strokovnjake, ki želijo osvežiti svoje znanje. Odkrijte definicije, od "Mapiranje gostitelja" do "Čas razrešitve", in izboljšajte svojo učinkovitost storitev za stranke.
Odkrijte, kako storitev klepeta LiveAgent izboljšuje uporabniško izkušnjo s 15 naprednimi funkcijami za klepet v živo. Zagotovite si brezplačen račun in izboljšajte komunikacijo s strankami v realnem času. Pomembne prakse vključujejo hitre odzive, AI botove in integracijo s CRM za učinkovito podporo. Poskusite brez obveznosti!