What is call volume?
Call volume is a call center metric used to measure the number of inbound calls in a given period. Call center volume is usually measured in different time intervals – hourly, daily, or weekly. Many contact centers categorize call volume into the total number of telephone calls handled by an agent and the total number of calls handled by an automated system (e.g., IVR).
Call center managers put a lot of focus on call volume for several reasons:
- Call volume impacts the agents’ workload, drives call center staffing requirements, and dictates call center expenses.
- This metric helps determine how effective your agents are at working with callers.
- The increase in the current level of your call volume leads to missed calls and a higher call abandonment rate. It has been estimated that call abandonment can cost as much as 40% of lost potential revenues annually.
- Mishandling high call volume results in longer call queues, increased hold times, and your call center’s inability to provide adequate service levels.
What is a high call volume and how to identify it?
Your call center is experiencing high call volume (also called a call volume spike) when the number of your inbound calls is significantly higher than the predicted volume. That basically means the number of incoming calls is more than the actual volume your call center representatives can efficiently handle without compromising your customer satisfaction levels.
Raziskave kažejo, da je industrijski standard za velik obseg klicev 10% nad normalno ravnijo. Kljub temu je lahko ta številka zaradi pomanjkanja osebja precej višja pri manjših ali srednje velikih podjetjih.
This dramatic increase in the number of incoming customer calls can be short-term or can last for several hours, days, or even weeks. In addition, call volume usually varies by time of day – e.g., a call center could experience heavy call volume during business hours and light call traffic in the evenings. Other than that, a call center can typically be faced with an increased number of call center inquiries due to one or more of these factors:
- Seasonal spikes: Many businesses experience these spikes annually during holidays or busy periods specific to their industry (such as the Christmas shopping season for retailers).
- Internal issues: Unexpected service outages, website malfunctions, insufficient staff, poorly trained call center operators – that can all lead to increased call volumes.
- Marketing initiatives: Massive promo campaigns or new product launches can also cause high call volume spikes.
Call center software for any situation
Delight customers with a personalized and reliable call center customer service with LiveAgent.
How to deal with the high call volume
When call volumes are high, wait times increase, and customer satisfaction drops. Not to mention agents become overwhelmed by a large number of incoming calls and have to work in a stressful environment. This is why high call volume means challenging times for call centers. Here is how businesses can efficiently tackle a high volume of inbound calls utilizing help desk software with a built-in call center such as LiveAgent:
Provide additional service channels
By integrating more channels into your call center software, you can ensure customers interact with your business on their channel of choice while also preventing high call volume. Consider adding a real-time live chat that can also help you adopt a more proactive communication strategy and reduce the number of incoming inquiries altogether.
Develop self-service resources
Creating accurate and comprehensive self-service resources (like a knowledge base and FAQs) can reduce the need for customers to get on the phone in the first place. This is particularly helpful when agents typically receive repetitive questions over and over again. These questions can be answered in your FAQ section, especially if it’s visible and easily accessible on your website.
Optimize your IVR
Along with automatic call distributor (ACD), Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems can help businesses gain complete control over the flow of inbound calls by efficiently routing them to the most appropriate agents. In times of high call volumes, you can additionally optimize your IVR by directing callers to your self-help resources and allowing them to leave a voicemail. Doing so can reduce the number of calls agents have to answer.
Offer a call-back option
Call volume spikes can also be eliminated by enabling a callback option that is available with most call center solutions. In LiveAgent, for instance, when a caller requests a call back, their phone number is kept in a call queue and automatically dialed once the agent can handle their call.
Analyze your call center data
By keeping close tabs on your call center analytics, you can get a better sense of when call volume spikes occur and how each call center agent performs during busy times. Track key call center metrics and KPIs (such as average handle time, average speed of answer, missed calls) and use this historical data to look for any patterns and trends of spikes in call volume. This will help you plan agent scheduling more efficiently and ensure you have enough staff to meet all your call center service needs.
Consistent call center service experience
Manage your call volume at any time or season with LiveAgent's call center software.
Frequently Asked Questions
Kaj je obseg klicev?
Obseg klicev je pomembna meritev klicnega centra, ki je opredeljena kot skupno število dohodnih klicev, ki jih klicni center ali center za stike prejme v določenem obdobju. Upravljavci klicnih centrov so pozorni na to meritev, saj narekuje razporejanje in potrebe po osebju, medtem ko lahko nepravilno upravljanje velike količine klicev povzroči daljše čakalne vrste, daljše čakanje, neodgovorjene ali opuščene klice in na koncu zmanjša zadovoljstvo strank.
Kaj je velik obseg klicev in kako ga prepoznati?
Velika količina klicev pomeni, da klicni center prejme več klicev, kot jih običajno zmore oprema. Na splošno je industrijski standard klicnega centra za veliko količino klicev 10 -odstotno povečanje glede na povprečen obseg. Za mala in srednje velika podjetja pa je ta številka lahko višja. Poleg tega se lahko obseg klicev čez dan znatno razlikuje. Klicni centri lahko doživijo tudi povečanje obsega klicev zaradi sezonskih skokov (v času praznikov), zaradi notranjih težav (npr. premalo osebja) ali trženjskih pobud (uvedba promocije).
Kako ravnati z velikim obsegom klicev?
Povečanje obsega klicev, nepričakovano in pričakovano, lahko klicni center spravi iz ravnotežja. Vendar pa lahko z določenimi taktikami in strategijami zmanjšate in učinkovito upravljate veliko količino dohodnih klicev: dodajanje dodatnih kanalovza podporo v vaš kontaktni center razvoj obsežnih virov za samopomoč optimiziranje menijev IVR in ponujanje povratnih klicev uporabo razpoložljivih podatkov klicnega centra za bolj informirane kadrovske odločitve in načrtovanje urnikov.
Če vas zanima, kako učinkovito upravljati klicni center, lahko preberete članek o upravljanju klicnega centra. Tam boste našli nasvete o načrtovanju, delu na daljavo in merjenju KPI-jev, ki vam bodo pomagali izboljšati učinkovitost vašega klicnega centra.
Najboljše standardne meritve industrije klicnega centra
Odkrijte 12 najboljših KPI-jev za klicne centre in globalne industrijske standarde, ki vam bodo pomagali izboljšati učinkovitost in uspešnost vašega centra. Spremljajte ključne kazalnike uspešnosti (KPI) in postavite boljše cilje s pomočjo najboljših praks. Preberite več na LiveAgent.
Označevanje klicev je ključna funkcija klicnega centra, ki omogoča kategorizacijo klicev po kontekstu, kar olajša organizacijo in analizo podatkov o strankah. LiveAgent ponuja zmogljivo programsko opremo, ki vključuje označevanje klicev, VoIP sisteme in več. Izboljšajte storitev za stranke z boljšo analizo klicev, prepoznavanjem trendov in razvojem strategij za ponovno pridobivanje potencialnih strank. Preizkusite LiveAgent brezplačno in povečajte zvestobo blagovni znamki z vsakim stikom s stranko.
Spoznajte ključ do uspeha klicnega centra – čas obdelave klicev (AHT). Odkrijte, kako izboljšati produktivnost in učinkovitost vaših agentov ter povečati zadovoljstvo strank. Naučite se izračunati AHT in odkrijte strategije za njegovo skrajšanje. Preizkusite LiveAgent brezplačno in pospešite svoje podporne storitve že danes!
Kontrolni seznam za nastavitev klicnega centra
Enostavna nastavitev klicnega centra: vodnik za postavitev, optimizacijo, usposabljanje ekipe in izbiro programske opreme. Razmislite o LiveAgentu!