Kontrolni seznam kakovosti klicev storitve za stranke vključuje preverjanje hrupa, jasnosti govora, preverjanje informacij, aktivno poslušanje in druge korake za zagotavljanje vrhunske podpore strankam.
Če ste odgovorni za izkušnjo s storitvami za stranke v vašem podjetju, potem veste, da je kakovost klica bistvenega pomena. Slab klic službe za stranke lahko povzroči negativne ocene, izgubo strank in celo zmanjšanje prihodkov.
Zato je ključnega pomena zagotoviti, da vaša ekipa zagotavlja klice najvišje kakovosti. Ustvarili smo kontrolni seznam, da ga lahko vaša ekipa upošteva in zagotovi najboljšo možno uporabniško izkušnjo.
Ni mogoče zanikati, da je zagotavljanje odlične storitve za stranke ključnega pomena za vsako podjetje. Konec koncev je večja verjetnost, da bodo zadovoljne stranke ostale zveste in nadaljevale poslovanje z vami. Poleg tega je tudi večja verjetnost, da vas bodo priporočili drugim.
Kljub temu je lahko izziv zagotoviti, da vaša ekipa za pomoč strankam zagotavlja kakovostne storitve. Z naborom smernic, ki jih mora upoštevati vaša ekipa, lahko zagotovite, da bo vsak klic obravnavan profesionalno in učinkovito.
Če želite ugotoviti, ali vaši predstavniki službe za stranke zagotavljajo visokokakovostne storitve, lahko uporabite kontrolni seznam za kakovost klicev. Zanje lahko prepozna priložnosti za usposabljanje. Prav tako vam lahko pomaga primerjati vaš kontaktni center z drugimi v vaši panogi.
Če ste zastopnik za pomoč strankam, vam lahko upoštevanje kontrolnega seznama za kakovost klicev pomaga zagotoviti boljše storitve in se izogniti morebitnim napakam. S kontrolnim seznamom boste natančno vedeli, kaj je treba narediti pri vsakem klicu.
Poleg tega vam uporaba kontrolnega seznama pomaga pri odpravljanju težav in njihovem hitrem reševanju. Če morate svojega nadrejenega nenehno prositi za pomoč, vam lahko kontrolni seznam kakovosti zagotovi smernice, ki jih potrebujete, da sami rešite težave.
Če ste odgovorni za zaposlovanje predstavnikov službe za stranke, vam lahko kontrolni seznam kakovosti klicev pomaga pri prepoznavanju najboljših kandidatov.
Ta kontrolni seznam lahko uporabite tudi za usposabljanje novih predstavnikov službe za stranke. Z naborom smernic, ki jim morajo slediti, jim lahko pomagate pri učenju in hitrem napredovanju.
Če nadzirate skupino za pomoč strankam, vam lahko kontrolni seznam kakovosti pomaga pri upravljanju in prepoznavanju področij za izboljšave. Z rednim spremljanjem klicev in zagotavljanjem povratnih informacij lahko svoji ekipi pomagate zagotoviti boljšo podporo in doseči svoje poslovne cilje.
Poleg tega vam lahko kontrolni seznam kakovosti pomaga razviti postopke za obravnavanje pogostih težav strank. Vzpostavite ustrezne postopke, ki bodo vaši ekipi pomagali hitro in učinkovito rešiti težave.
Če ste odgovorni za revizijo klicev v podporo strankam, vam lahko kontrolni seznam kakovosti klicev pomaga natančno določiti možnost spremembe. Omogočil vam bo, da zagotovite, da se vsi klici obravnavajo v skladu s standardi podjetja.
One of the most necessary things you can do to improve the quality of calls is to reduce background noise. This includes both external noise (e.g. traffic, construction) and internal noise (e.g. chatter, echo).
If your customers can’t hear you or vice versa, it’s going to be a frustrating call for all parties involved. To have insightful and undisturbed conversations, the customer and the call center agent must be able to hear one another.
Always take calls in quiet places to help minimize external noise. Provide your reps with clear instructions on how to reduce background noise so they can apply them.
You can also invest in noise-canceling headsets for your call center team. They help reduce internal noise and improve call quality.
Ensure that center agents set the right volume for when they speak.
If the volume is too low, customers may not hear you. If it is too high, it can be difficult for them to understand what you’re saying. Find a happy medium when it comes to the volume of your voice – you don’t want to shout, but you also don’t want to whisper.
Make sure that you’re speaking clearly and at a moderate volume. If you’re having trouble being heard, try cupping your hand around your mouth to make you sound louder.
You can also try using a voice amplifier, which is a device that you can wear around your neck or clip to your clothing. This will help to strengthen your voice and make it easier for the customer to hear you.
You need to verify the customer’s contact information before you start a call with them. This includes their name, phone number, and email address.
If you have the wrong contact information for a customer, this can make it difficult to resolve their issue or even get in touch with them at all. Additionally, if you need to transfer the call to another department, it is helpful to have the correct contact information on hand.
Look up the customer’s information in your company’s database. This is helpful if the customer is having trouble providing their contact information or if you need to check it quickly before your next call.
It’s crucial to be an active listener on customer service calls. This means that you’re not only hearing what the customer is saying, but also responding to their needs.
Active listening is a key part of providing bespoke customer service. It shows the customer that you’re engaged in the conversation. Active listening can also help to prevent miscommunication and misunderstandings.
Give your customer your full attention, meaning no multitasking. Try to focus on the conversation and avoid distractions.
Also, make notes so that you can always come back to what your clients have said.
Understanding the caller’s needs and concerns before you begin can help you navigate the conversation more effectively.
If you don’t understand the caller’s needs, it can be difficult to resolve their issue. If you are unaware of the customer’s concerns, you might accidentally say something that makes the situation worse.
Just ask them directly – this is usually the quickest way to get an understanding of what they need. You can also send them surveys, forms, or polls to engage with. In this way, you can gather the information you need for your sales call.
Once you’ve gathered all of the necessary information from the customer, it’s time to open a ticket in LiveAgent. This will help to ensure that the issue is resolved as quickly as possible.
LiveAgent is only an option here, but it can streamline the process of managing all of your tickets and help get your customer service on track. All agents will be able to solve issues faster and more efficiently with tickets.
To open a ticket in LiveAgent, you’ll need to gather the following information from the customer:
Once you have all of this data, you can log into LiveAgent and create a new ticket. Fill out all of the required information so that the agent handling it can resolve the issue quickly.
A ticket management system collects all customer communication into one place. Interactions can be gathered from multiple channels – email, social media, phone calls, and forums – then transferred to tickets.
In this way, whenever a customer contacts you through their preferred channel, you will see the history of your contact with them.
Once you have gathered all of the required info and set up a ticket, you should fill it out appropriately.
Tickets track the progress of an issue and they can also be used to communicate with other members of your team.
When filling out a ticket, include all relevant information about the issue, necessary details about the customer, as well as any notes that you took during the call.
If you need to, check your company’s internal knowledge base for information about the issue. This can be helpful if you’re not sure how to resolve it.
An internal knowledge base can be a valuable resource for solving customer issues and can help you avoid making mistakes.
Use the search function to find specific information. This is usually the quickest way to find what you’re looking for, and it allows you to narrow the results to only relevant information.
You can also browse the knowledge base by category. This can be helpful if you’re not sure what keywords to look for in the search function.
Once you have all of the necessary information gathered in the form of tickets, it’s time to identify the options for resolving the situation.
A customer who does not understand your proposed resolution might not be able to make an informed decision. This may lead to frustration on the part of the customer. For you, it might lead to a longer call time as you try to explain the options.
You should present the solutions clearly and concisely. Ensure you provide all of the relevant information about the different options, including the pros and cons of each. You should also give the caller a recommendation regarding which option they should choose in their particular case.
In addition to questions about the options for resolving their issue, the customer might still want to ask something else about the problem itself.
It is crucial to answer every question the customer may have so that they feel fully understood. If you don’t answer the customer’s questions, they might be confused about what’s going on. Additionally, they might feel like you’re not interested in helping them resolve their issue. Consequently, customer satisfaction scores may suffer.
You should anticipate your customer’s questions and answer them promptly. If you need more time to come up with an answer, ask the customer for patience. Use scripts and templates for the most common questions.
At the end of the call, summarize the arrangements that were made. This should include a timeline for when and how the issue will be resolved.
The customer will know what to expect and they will not have to call back. You will have all of the details in one place, which can be used to hold you accountable.
When summarizing the arrangements, you shouldn’t just read off of a script. Personalize what you say for each customer and make sure that you’re providing all of the relevant information. Be specific about what will be done and when.
It’s helpful to send a follow-up message after the call. This can be an email, text message, or even a handwritten note.
Sending even a short message shows the customer that you want to build a relationship with them. It also allows you to add any more information that might be useful.
Your follow-up messages should always be personal and relevant. You can also include a link to the transcript or recording of the call. Remind the client of the arrangements that were made and when they can expect a resolution.
After the issue is resolved, you should send a thank-you email.
A thank-you note shows the customer that you care about their satisfaction. It’s still nice to thank them for the interaction, even if the issue hasn’t been fully resolved.
Focus on what you want to thank the customer for. For example, you can thank them for their time, patience, and/or understanding. If you do it right, this can be a great way to build rapport with the customer. You may want to send this message if you intend to offer additional discounts or coupons too.
When everything is said and done, it’s crucial to ask for feedback. You can do this via a survey, email, or even by phone.
Getting customer feedback allows you to improve your work. Actionable feedback can help you resolve issues, as well as avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
Be clear about what you’re looking for, but also make it easy for the customer to provide feedback. For example, you can ask them to rate their satisfaction with the call on a scale of one to five.
If the issue was resolved during the call, you should close the ticket.
Closing the ticket ensures that the customer’s issue is marked as resolved and prevents them from being contacted again about it. This helps you keep track of which issues have been resolved and which ones are still open.
When closing a ticket, make sure that all relevant information has been entered into the system. This includes the resolution, the date of the call, and the name of the customer. Also, include any constructive feedback that you received from the customer.
Obstaja nekaj lastnosti, ki bi jih moral imeti uspešen agent za pomoč strankam.
Agent mora:
Pozitiven odnos lahko spremeni celotno dinamiko klica. Če se agent počuti negativno, se bo to poznalo v njegovem glasu in odnosu. Stranka lahko to občuti in to bo samo poslabšalo situacijo.
Iskrenost je pomembna pri storitvah za stranke, saj lahko stranke ugotovijo, kdaj je agent neiskren. To lahko potencialno pozitivno interakcijo s stranko spremeni v negativno. Z iskrenostjo lahko stranke povedo, da jim agent želi pomagati.
Zastopnik mora vedeti, o čem govori, če želi zagotoviti odlične storitve za stranke. To vključuje obveščanje o najnovejših informacijah o izdelkih in razumevanje politik podjetja.
Klici v službo za stranke so lahko zapleteni, zato je za agente koristno, da je pogovor preprost in bistven. To vključuje uporabo jasnega in jedrnatega jezika. Poleg tega to pomeni, da zastopnik ne bi smel takoj poskušati dražiti kupca ali zagotoviti preveč informacij.
Zastopniki morajo govoriti jasno, da jih stranka razume. To vključuje izgovarjanje besed in govor v zmernem tempu. Poleg tega pomeni izogibanje žargonu in uporabo preprostega jezika.
Uporaba imena klicatelja je način, da agent vzpostavi odnos in pokaže, da ga stranka zanima. Prav tako postane pogovor bolj oseben, kar lahko pomaga zgraditi zaupanje.
Cilj vsakega klica v službo za stranke je, da stranka ostane zadovoljna. To pomeni, da je treba težavo rešiti in izpolniti pričakovanja strank. Prav tako je pomembno, da se zastopniki stranki zahvalijo za njihov čas in potrpežljivost.
Zastopnik bi moral:
Kakovost storitve je mogoče izmeriti na več načinov, vključno z opazovanjem jasnosti klica, stopnje prekinitve klica in odmeva. Merjenje kakovosti klica se lahko uporablja za odpravljanje težav s posameznimi klici ali za sledenje trendom skozi čas. Z odkrivanjem in reševanjem težav s kakovostjo klicev lahko podjetja izboljšajo stopnjo zadovoljstva strank in zmanjšajo stroške, povezane s klici slabe kakovosti.
Spremljanje kakovosti klica je postopek ocenjevanja kakovosti telefonskega klica. To lahko storite s poslušanjem posnetkov klicev ali s pomočjo posebne programske opreme za spremljanje kakovosti klicev v realnem času. Spremljanje kakovosti klicev se lahko uporablja za odkrivanje težav s telefonskim sistemom ali oceno delovanja agenta.
Obstaja nekaj različnih parametrov kakovosti klica, vendar sta najpomembnejša običajno čistost zvoka in glasnost zvoka. Jasnost zvoka je, kako dobro vas oseba na drugi strani klica sliši. To je običajno odvisno od kakovosti vaše internetne povezave in vaše oddaljenosti od telefona. Če ste predaleč ali je vaša internetna povezava slaba, je vaš klic lahko nejasen in ga je težko slišati. Glasnost zvoka je, kako glasno zvenite drugi osebi. To običajno določajo nastavitve mikrofona in zvočnikov v telefonu. Če imate telefon nastavljen prenizko ali če je v ozadju veliko hrupa, vas bo druga oseba težko slišala govoriti.
Panožni standard za povprečni odzivni čas na klice je čim krajši. V današnjem hitrem tempu stranke pričakujejo, da bodo podjetja na voljo 24/7. Svoje podjetje pogosto prenesejo drugam, če menijo, da jim ne namenjajo pozornosti, ki si jo zaslužijo. Ob tem je ključnega pomena, da se prepričate, da je vaša ekipa pripravljena na obvladovanje velike količine klicev in da so vaši predstavniki službe za stranke usposobljeni za hitro in učinkovito obravnavo klicateljev.
Kontrolni seznam varnosti klicnega centra
Zaščitite svoj klicni center s celovitim varnostnim kontrolnim seznamom LiveAgent. Naučite se omejiti privilegije agentov, šifrirati podatke in slediti najnovejšim varnostnim standardom. Preverite, ali je vaš center res varen in zaščiten pred hekerji in zunanjimi grožnjami.
Skrbni pregled stranke kontrolni seznam
Odkrijte, kako kontrolni seznam skrbnega pregleda stranke (CDD) pomaga podjetjem pri preprečevanju goljufij in pranja denarja. Naučite se preverjati identiteto, zgodovino transakcij in ocenjevati tveganja za skladnost s predpisi AML. Zaščitite svoje poslovanje pred finančnimi izgubami z našimi strokovnimi nasveti.
Kontrolni seznam za nastavitev klicnega centra
Enostavna nastavitev klicnega centra: vodnik za postavitev, optimizacijo, usposabljanje ekipe in izbiro programske opreme. Razmislite o LiveAgentu!
Vrednotenje storitev za stranke kontrolni seznam
Izboljšajte storitve za stranke s kontrolnim seznamom! Odkrijte strategije za analizo, povratne informacije in povečanje prihodkov.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.