Kontrolni seznam za implementacijo VoIP v 18 korakih: določite cilje, ocenite potrebe, izberite ponudnika, načrtujte klice, usposobite zaposlene in zagotovite varnost ter obnovo. Orodja za izbiro ponudnika in usposabljanje so na voljo.
Verjetno se vam po glavi roji veliko vprašanj – katero programsko opremo izbrati, kaj morate narediti pred implementacijo in kako se bodo vaši zaposleni prilagodili?
Ne skrbite, ta priročen kontrolni seznam smo ustvarili na podlagi znanja iz prve roke o tem, katera opravila lahko olajšajo ali prekinejo gladek prehod. Sledite ji, da bo implementacija VoIP brez stresa.
Sistem VoIP je nekaj, kar bo popolnoma spremenilo način delovanja vašega podjetja. Vendar pa ni preveč težko namestiti in nastaviti, če je opravljeno pravilno.
Kontrolni seznam za implementacijo VoIP je kot zemljevid, ki prikazuje, kaj morate narediti za uspešno implementacijo te tehnologije. Pomagal bo tudi pri vodenju vašega projekta, saj so lahko vsi, ki delajo na njem, obveščeni o svojih odgovornostih.
VoIP je naložba v prihodnost vašega podjetja, zato ne podcenjujte nobenega koraka na tem kontrolnem seznamu.
Postopek uvedbe VoIP se nanaša na skoraj vse vidike podjetja, od storitev za stranke in podpore do računovodstva. Ne glede na vašo vlogo v podjetju lahko s tem kontrolnim seznamom dobite celotno sliko dejanj, ki jih morate izvesti.
Pojdite korak za korakom in poglejte, kaj morate storiti za implementacijo uspešne rešitve VoIP.
What are the main objectives of your business, how much money can you spend on a new VoIP provider, and which features are important to you? The better you can answer these questions, the easier it will be to find a VoIP provider and system that meets your requirements.
Such preparation will help inform your decision-making as well as narrow down which features are most important to you. You can also save time by knowing exactly what kinds of systems or services would be best suited to your business needs.
You can get a good idea by answering these simple questions:
After answering these questions, you should have a good understanding of what your business goals are. Make sure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
For example, “Our goal is to reduce the average answer time to 5 seconds within a month” ticks all of the SMART boxes.
You should assess your current phone system to determine what features you need from a VoIP system.
To find a VoIP provider that can deliver the features you are looking for and meet all the expectations of your business.
The most important factor is likely the type of calls that will be handled. For example, if most calls are sales or marketing related, you’ll need a phone system with features like caller ID and call recording.
Other important factors are:
Use these answers to find out what you are looking for in a VoIP provider. You can also use them as criteria when researching different providers and their plans.
It’s time to prioritize the features that are most important to you and your team.
The better you understand what you need in a system, the easier it will be to find one that works best for your company.
Start by making a comprehensive list of the features that are important to you and rank them in order of priority. This will help you when comparing different providers and their plans.
You should also look at your current phone system and see what features you use most often. Ask your employees and involve them in the process – they may have thoughts about some features that they feel are important to the business but haven’t been mentioned yet.
Verify that your existing infrastructure will be able to support the new VoIP system.
To avoid any major IT issues and make sure you have enough bandwidth for the number of users on your VoIP network at any given time. Also, most providers require reliable connections and VoIP equipment before providing the service.
Identify the number of employees who will be using VoIP phones and make sure there is enough bandwidth for them all at once. If not, you might need to upgrade your Internet connection or get a new router.
Find out if there are any firewalls that can block VoIP traffic from getting through and set up port forwarding to work properly. If this isn’t possible, consider buying an additional firewall specifically for VoIP services (which is cheaper than upgrading the whole network infrastructure).
Check if the old router is compatible with the new VoIP system. If not, it’s recommended that you get a new one because most routers are built for security and reliability rather than speed or capacity.
Focusing on one option is not a good strategy, so conduct some market research and find the best VoIP provider for your needs.
With so many different types of VoIP providers available, it can be difficult to figure out which one will be most suitable for your business. Making an initial shortlist should help with narrowing down the choices and determining what kind of plan would work best with your current infrastructure.
Conduct market research, speak with industry leaders and check forums. Then, research the providers that caught your attention and make a list of those who offer the features you need. Compare such elements as:
and any other important factors before making a final decision.
Many providers offer free trial periods or demo versions of their software so that you can test them out before purchasing.
Whenever possible, test software before purchasing, especially when you’re thinking about something as important as VoIP. By taking advantage of free trials and demo versions, you can make sure that the software will work with your network, that all features are available, and that everyone in the company is comfortable using it.
Simply contact the providers you’re interested in and ask for a trial or demo version of their software. Many companies offer these types of opportunities to give potential customers an idea about what’s included with their service and let them experience the software for themselves.
Most providers have free trials or demo versions of their software on their websites. Simply search for “trial” or “demo”, or contact the company directly and ask if they have one available.
This should be done after you’ve tested out all of your options and narrowed down a choice.
Simply put, you don’t want to switch providers after you’ve already implemented VoIP. So, it’s important that you take the time now and find out what will work best for your call center.
Now all that’s left is to choose one, but you should also think about the future at this point. Will the provider you choose be able to keep up with changes in technology and the growing needs of your business? Is their customer service reliable and can they offer you a competitive price?
Remember that VoIP implementation is a long-term investment, so it needs to be a well-thought decision by yourself and all stakeholders.
Tip: look for a provider that provides good customer service, so there are always people on hand to help if there are any issues with your system.
Security of customer service software is of the utmost importance. VoIP conversations are often seen as a goldmine for hackers and involve certain risks.
Just like with any network system, VoIP needs to be secured against hackers and other malicious threats. Some conversations will inevitably be sensitive, and you don’t want that information to be accessible by anyone other than the intended recipient.
You need to keep your VoIP system up-to-date with the latest VoIP security patches, and you should also have a firewall in place. Confirm that all employees are aware of the dangers of phishing attacks, and train them on how to spot potential red flags.
Monitor your provider’s performance, making sure that the data being transferred over their lines isn’t vulnerable (e.g. by encrypting your traffic). Also, have a backup plan in case of an emergency. Using a secure password policy is also essential – everyone in the organization should be using strong passwords that are changed frequently.
Tip: make sure that the VoIP provider that you’ve already chosen is compliant with all relevant security regulations.
Transferring all of your data, contacts, and other information from your old system over to the new one can be stressful. However, if you fail to take this step now, it could lead to chaos later on.
Without data, your VoIP phone service will not work. All of your contacts, messages and call history need to be transferred over so that employees can continue to work as normal – changing phone systems shouldn’t have a huge impact on their daily operations.
You can manually transfer the information over, use an automated migration tool, or leverage your old system’s API to automatically transfer the data. Whichever method you choose, ensure that you test it out first to make everything go smoothly.
Tip: if you have a lot of data to transfer, consider using an automated migration tool. This will save you time and hassle.
Once everything is up and running, it’s time to start thinking about add-ons and integrations that can improve your VoIP system and streamline your agents’ workflow.
There are a lot of great extensions that can improve your VoIP systems such as call routing, CRM integration, chatbots, and more. By adding these to your system, you can increase your agents’ productivity and improve customer service.
The majority of add-ons and integrations are easy to set up – just download the software, install, and configure it. However, some require a little more work – for example, to integrate your VoIP system with your CRM. The process depends on the provider, but thankfully most provide tutorials and support to help you along the way.
The VoIP implementation process doesn’t end with installing a new system – to make it work efficiently, you will also need to think about your ideal call flow.
A well-designed call flow defines how agents should handle calls, what type of information they need to collect from customers, and how quickly they can transfer calls.
The first step is identifying customers’ needs – what do they want when they call your company? Next, you need to decide how quickly agents should answer calls. Designing a call flow is not an easy task but requires a lot of time and effort.
Consider asking for help from those who are specialized in this area if you feel that your call flow could be improved.
Tip: make sure that your call flow is easy to understand for your agents and that it’s clear for everyone involved.
To make the most out of the system, you should integrate your VoIP provider with adequate call center software.
Call routing increases customer satisfaction, reduces operational costs, and helps with managing calls as fast as possible.
The first step is creating a map of your company’s communication structure. This will help you identify the different departments and the type of calls they handle.
After that, you need to create routing rules for each type of call. These will define how agents should handle calls, when they should be transferred to a different department, and who should take them.
You can accomplish this by choosing software that integrates with your VoIP provider. The best choice here might be LiveAgent call center software, which is compatible with over 99% of them.
How can you make use of LiveAgent call routing? For example, by setting the number of seconds after which a call is routed to another agent and as a result reduce the waiting time. You can also decide how long an incoming call will remain in a queue – after this predetermined time has expired, the call will continue in an offline section of your IVR.
All of these features are aimed at ensuring a seamless experience for your customers. What’s more, LiveAgent provides 24/7 customer service to ensure that no matter what time your call center operates, you will always receive professional assistance.
This is a necessary step if you want your team to be productive, remain motivated, and always provide professional customer service.
Without initial training, your employees won’t know how to use their new VoIP system. This will lead to a lot of questions, frustration, and dissatisfied customers as a result.
You need to design a comprehensive training program and actionable training opportunities. They should include everything from how each feature works, what the best practices when making and receiving calls are, how agents should handle customers’ requests, etc.
Tip: make sure that the training program is easy to follow and covers all of the basics. If you have a lot of employees, consider using an online training course or video tutorials.
It’s a must-have planning process that will allow your business to run continuously in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as power outages or server crashes, etc.
If your phone system doesn’t work correctly or at all, this can have severe consequences for your company like loss of customers, decreased productivity, and more.
It’s a step that is often overlooked, but it can save you from a lot of problems in the future. By verifying your number assignment, you will ensure that all numbers are assigned to the correct extensions and devices.
If a customer receives calls from the wrong department or agent and vice versa, it can lead to confusion.
Check the numbers assigned to your extensions and devices by logging into your account. If you find any discrepancies, you can request a change by contacting the provider’s customer service team.
Tip: always keep your contact information updated so that the provider can reach you in case of an emergency.
An auto attendant at the start of a call is what makes the first impression. Take advantage of this and record a greeting that encourages your callers to stay on the line.
The customer will know they have called the right number and won’t have to wait on the line for a long time until an agent becomes available.
To record voicemail greetings, you need to log in to your account with the provider and create a new message. Be sure to include all the necessary information such as the department name, hours of operation, and contact number.
Tip: in addition to simply saying “hello” and “thank you”, it’s a good idea to add a personal touch.
This is the last step of your VoIP implementation process. By completing it, you can verify that everything is working as expected and there are no issues with the new system.
You will save time by not having to re-configure things if something doesn’t work correctly from the start. Also, if there are any issues with your phone system, they can be discovered during this process and resolved before they affect your customers.
To make test calls, you need to log in to your account with the provider and try to dial a few different numbers. Be sure to check all the features such as voicemail, call forwarding, and the quality of calls made using your new system.
Tip: the best time to make test calls is before business hours when there aren’t any customers around or during an off-hour period when agents aren’t busy.
VoIP je kratica za Voice over Internet Protocol in je tehnologija, ki omogoča telefoniranje prek širokopasovne internetne povezave namesto običajne telefonske linije. Je veliko cenejši in veliko bolj prilagodljiv kot tradicionalna telefonska storitev. Če želite uporabljati VoIP, morate v računalnik ali pametni telefon namestiti posebno programsko opremo, ki vam bo omogočala klicanje in sprejemanje klicev prek interneta.
VoIP uporablja internetni protokol (IP) za pošiljanje glasovnih podatkov v spletu. Deluje tako, da pretvori analogne zvočne signale v digitalne pakete, ki se prenašajo prek omrežij IP, kot so tista, ki se uporabljajo za e-pošto in brskanje. Te pakete je mogoče poslati kamor koli na svetu, kjer je na voljo povezovalna točka med dvema napravama z dostopom do interneta.
Potrebujete širokopasovno povezavo s hitrostjo najmanj 100 kbps na klic. Vendar pa za optimalno delovanje priporočamo širokopasovno povezavo s hitrostjo 500 kb/s ali več.
Da, VoIP ima svetlo prihodnost. Pričakuje se, da bo VoIP v prihodnjih letih še naprej hitro rasel. S 85 milijard USD leta 2021 naj bi svetovni trg storitev VoIP do leta 2026 zrasel na več kot 100 milijard USD.
Da, lahko nastavite svoj VoIP sistem. Vendar bo zahtevalo veliko dela in tehničnega znanja. Poleg tega boste morali kupiti ali najeti posebno strojno in programsko opremo. Namesto tega lahko uporabite ponudnika storitev VoIP v oblaku.
Ustanovitev VoIP podjetja ni tako težka, kot se morda zdi. Pravzaprav je večino dela mogoče opraviti na daljavo. Prvi korak je, da izberete ponudnika VoIP in se prijavite za njegovo storitev. Nato morate kupiti ali namestiti potrebno programsko opremo v svoje naprave. Končno konfigurirajte svoj telefonski sistem s potrebno strojno in programsko opremo.
Za uspešno implementacijo VoIP so minimalne zahteve zanesljiva internetna povezava, telefoni ali programski telefoni, ki podpirajo VoIP, in ponudnik VoIP v oblaku.
Kontrolni seznam varnosti klicnega centra
Zaščitite svoj klicni center s celovitim varnostnim kontrolnim seznamom LiveAgent. Naučite se omejiti privilegije agentov, šifrirati podatke in slediti najnovejšim varnostnim standardom. Preverite, ali je vaš center res varen in zaščiten pred hekerji in zunanjimi grožnjami.
Kontrolni seznam za zagon spletnega mesta
Odkrijte popoln kontrolni seznam za zagon spletnega mesta, ki pokriva vse od načrtovanja do promocije. Pripravite svoje spletno mesto za uspeh s cilji, ciljno publiko, vsebinskim načrtom, odzivnim oblikovanjem in še več. Zmanjšajte napake in objavite brez stresa!
Prodajni klic kontrolni seznam
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Kontrolni seznam za nastavitev klicnega centra
Enostavna nastavitev klicnega centra: vodnik za postavitev, optimizacijo, usposabljanje ekipe in izbiro programske opreme. Razmislite o LiveAgentu!
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